Apologies for lack of blogging, I've just got back from a week away at the quaint Suffolk seaside town of Southwold. I've not had a family holiday in 5 years and my last time away was in 2010 so it was great to visit somewhere new and have a break.
You'll hear and see more about my time away in a further post, but at the moment I'm having a slight stress with two poorly rabbits. I was supposed to be picking them up yesterday from holiday boarding but both had developed upset stomachs- one more serious than the other. I visited them yesterday but they aren't coming home just yet as Caroline is very kindly treating them for me- it was heartbreaking to see them so quiet, lethargic and nervous; I'm not sure if they even clocked who I was. I've had good news today that the meds seem to be having a good effect and they're more lively and eating, we're just taking each day as it comes so I'm not sure when I'll have them home.
Anywho, here's an outfit from my week- a gorgeous bunny playsuit & belt from Primark. It's also got a cute peter pan collar with a gold chain connecting each tip which you can't see because of my mane.
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